Factors affecting mental health manifestations and consequences


What is the concept of mental health?

Sound mental health includes a normal emotional, behavioral, and social maturity of a person, meaning that such a person is in a healthy state of psychological and mental well-being, which he can use to function normally in society and during daily events, have good emotional health, of the kind that affects how we feel They also have good behavioral health, including how we behave, and they have great social health, the kind that includes good interactions with others

Factors affecting mental health

Poor mental health experiences affect around one in four people. Knowing what can affect our mental health can give us a better understanding of when we or someone we care about is going through a difficult time. Here are the factors that affect mental health:

  • family

Our life experiences affect the way we think, feel, and act toward different situations, challenges, and opportunities throughout life.

 Such experiences are the way others treat us, our financial status, our relationships, the workplace, life changes, and our physical health, all of which affect our mental health

We all go through stressful situations in our lives. At some point, we can overcome and manage these situations that can affect our mental health.

  • Social relations

 Our relationships with others are an important part of life, if we experience conflict or lose one of our relationships we are likely to feel emotions related to grief, loneliness can have a detrimental effect on our mental health and it can affect anyone even when they are surrounded by others.

  • Financial and housing situation

 Feeling anxious about our financial, housing, or work situation can make our mental health worse, and when you're unemployed can displace your sense of purpose and can make it difficult to maintain self-confidence.

  • changes in circumstances

Life is constantly evolving, whether the change is sudden, expected, negative, or positive we can still find it difficult to cope, such as moving house, changing schools, aging, having a baby, and starting university or a new job are all aspects of change that can affect It affects our mental health, and self-care can help boost your mental health.

  • physical health

Health problems, long-term illnesses, life-threatening illnesses, medical appointments, and tests can have a detrimental effect on our mental health and can make us feel anxious and depressed.

  • Addiction and drug abuse

Smoking, gambling, and drug and alcohol abuse can all contribute to poor mental health, and in return, poor mental health can lead to increased drug use and addictive behaviors, which can become a vicious cycle.

  • the environment

The environment in which we grow up shapes mental health development When we are young, traumatic events can have a negative and long-lasting effect on our mental health.

Manifestations of mental health

  • Self-acceptance

When you are psychologically healthy, you generally feel satisfied with who you are, you know yourself's shortcomings, quirks, and strengths and you feel at peace within, while there are situations where you naturally change your attitude or behavior slightly depending on the social situation.

  • Flexibility

People who have psychological wellness can adapt to all kinds of situations that life throws at them, and they can assess the situation carefully, and notice their surroundings, their emotions, and the reactions of others to a particular situation

  • gratitude

If you are psychologically healthy, you are likely to easily feel and express gratitude for the people and things in your life. Being grateful is a way of looking meaningfully at your life with a sense of appreciation for what you have, rather than focusing on what you lack. Research has shown that counting your blessings has powerful benefits on psychological well-being.

  • Manage your feelings

Another sign of mental health is that you embrace feelings of sadness, anger, anxiety, joy, fear, and excitement as a normal part of life. , and know how to deal with and express yourself when you feel upset, enjoying your positive feelings, and enjoying moments of pleasure, happiness, and joy are also linked to mental health.

  • Dealing well with others

Seeing others with compassion and being kind to them is a hallmark of mental health. Psychologists call this positivity. This means that you tend to be sensitive to the needs and feelings of others, and you think it is important to help others.

Mental health outcomes

When considering how you are progressing on your journey to mental health, check with yourself to see if your life is moving toward these seven core outcomes and abilities:

  • Commitment to the truth: It is a basic orientation for what is real, not ideal
  • Tolerance: The ability to embrace conflicting aspects of oneself and others.
  • Patience: The ability to stay present for difficult experiences and work on them slowly over time.
  • Vitality: the experience of being more energetic, more engaged, and freer from inhibition.
  • Self-control: the ability to possess and take responsibility for oneself.
  • Love: Rooted in gratitude and efforts to repair the damage done to loved ones.
  • Inner Peace and Harmony: Rooted in a deeper sense of security with oneself and with others, experienced as feeling more integrated.[2]

When we have these seven basic abilities, we find that we feel better and perform better in life.

Ways to promote mental health

  • Talk about your feelings

Telling someone that you're sad can remove some of the sadness, and sharing joy will add more joy. Humans often crave closeness to others and share feelings. All of this helps boost mental health.

  • Playing sports

Exercise keeps the body healthy and can help improve your mood. Research on depression and anxiety shows that exercise has both physical and psychological benefits.

  • Communicate with others

There is nothing better than communicating with friends and family. Try to invest your time with the people you care about. Call or talk to them online. Communicate more. Conversation can solve most problems.

  • Do the things you are good at

If it makes you feel happy and you enjoy doing it, make time for that activity even if it's just to boost your self-esteem. Enjoying yourself can help you overcome stress. Think about something you love to do now or have loved to do in the past.

  • Self-acceptance

For many people, it's hard to have self-acceptance on a good day but when you're having a bad day your self-acceptance is shattered and it's normal to feel this, learn to accept that you're unique, work on your strengths and love yourself for who you are, the feeling Being complacent will boost your confidence, be proud of who you are

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