How do you improve your mental health 7 tips for relieving stress and anxiety


How do you improve your mental health 7 tips for relieving stress and anxiety

Promoting and caring for mental health is no less important than caring for physical health, rather it is complementary to it. We as individuals go through many life, societal, economic, and emotional pressures that generate exhaustion, tension, and depression, all of which play a major role in our mental health

Is there a link between mental illness and health problems

Our psychological state affects daily activities and social contact with family, friends, and society Here are 7 tips for maintaining and promoting mental health

Realizing that mental health is just as important as physical health

Mental health is a part of our daily lives and the concerns that everyone faces can range from daily worries to serious long-term conditions. 

Individuals who struggle with their mental health often feel lonely, as they seek ways to find happiness and self-confidence to overcome conditions related to their mental health such as depression. These cases are widely spread among young people in Jordan, as they face economic pressures such as unemployment, and social and family pressures such as marriage and starting a family.

Knowing that you are not alone in suffering from a mental health condition and feeling that it is healthy will motivate you to seek the psychological support you need and even enable you to help a friend who is depressed or grieving.


Charity: Be kind to yourself and others

Charity is the first step you can take on yourselves to make them better. Don't blame yourself for the circumstances and be kind to yourself.

Also, show your sympathy for others, provide assistance to them, and be kind to them as well. This will make you feel reassured and comfortable and will affect your mood and the mood of others in a positive way, and this in turn will create a healthy environment for you and your peace of mind.

Finding different tools to support mental health

There are many tools and resources available to help you relax and focus, and there are some approved online platforms that offer a wide network of certified healthcare providers and mental health professionals in Jordan.

If you are not comfortable seeking help from mental health counselors in your area, you can get mental health support online by contacting Certified Professionals Online. 

In addition, the Internet provides a lot of information through reliable videos and blogs. You can also practice exercises or creative arts, or even learn hobbies and build new cognitive and creative skills that help you relieve stress and anxiety.

Always make sure that the sources you use are reliable.


Protect your mental health from negative social media content

Everyone on various social media shows a lifestyle that may be far from the truth, and it can become stressful and stressful when different people start comparing their life and reality to what they see on social media platforms. 

Moreover, with the spread of the Corona pandemic and the various conflicts taking place around the world, social media pages can be filled with news that may stir up feelings of anger, stress, frustration, and sadness. 

Therefore, it is very important to protect your mental health when feeling down by taking a break from negative news for a while, away from your social media platforms, and stopping comparing yourself to others. 

Instead of getting busy with your social media accounts, do different activities to help you relax and focus, such as reading, walking, and talking to a close friend.

Connect with yourselves and live in the moment of mental health

Be present in the present moment and focus on what you are doing rather than dwelling on the future and the past. Learn new personal development skills and practice mindfulness to help you focus on the present without interrupting your activities with distracting thoughts. 

Try to get away from distractions and focus on your mental health, reignite your passion for your hobbies, and talk about your feelings with someone you trust. Thus, step by step, you will learn to be happy even when you are alone with your thoughts.


Take these steps to relax and de-stress

If you are feeling angry, anxious, or sad, these are all very normal feelings. Accept your feelings, whatever they are, and don't be hard on yourself, but allow her to feel these feelings as they are.

Here's an exercise to calm you down and help you avoid overthinking:

• Placing one hand on the chest and the other on the forehead.

• Take several slow, deep breaths in and out.

  • Focus on breathing while doing these steps.

Ask for help

If you feel helpless or exhausted, do not hesitate to seek help from a mental health professional or mental health care providers, and know that your request for help, whether from specialists or from someone you trust, is only an indication of your strength, because you have shown concern for yourself and your mental health.

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